
Showing posts from November, 2019

cellular Respiration GIF Blog


Photosynthesis GIF Blog


Organelle Blog

Golgi Apparatus  Structure What is the Golgi Apparatus made of? The Golgi Apparatus is made up tiny sacs called cisternae    The cisternae is the zig zag or stacked membrane The Golgi apparatus normally has six cisternae but the amount can range from three to twenty.  Functions What does the Golgi Apparatus do?  The function of the Golgi Apparatus to make protein for the cell. The Golgi Apparatus is similar to a packing center and transporting center. It packages, sorts, and then transports proteins and lipids.  Biomolecules What organelles does the Golgi Apparatus work with?  What biomolecules work with the Golgi Apparatus  The biomolecules that works with the Golgi Apparatus are proteins and lipids.  Proteins contain amino acids that build your muscles.  Lipids are fat that works in insulation. Some things that contain lipids are oils and butter.  An organelle that the Golgi apparatus works with is the ER. Th Golgi Ap